Minor 11 Chord

The minor 11 chord is simply the minor 9 chord with the 11th note of the natural minor scale added.

Let’s use the A minor 11 chord to show this:

A Minor 9

A Minor 11

Chord Formula:

A minor 11 chord is made up of notes based on the intervals of the natural minor scale.

The minor 11 chord formula is 1-b3-5-b7-9-11 (i.e. the Root, b3rd5th, b7th9th and 11th notes       of the natural minor scale).

You can use MusicWheels™ to discover all the other minor 11 chords.

Guitar Diagrams

Minor 11 Chords

Extended chords obviously contain more notes than triad chords.

It is also common practice to leave out some of the notes. If you wish to learn more about this, there are many advanced music theory sites to explore on the internet.

Here, we are only focusing on examples that are relatively easy to play and are                  moveable (generic) across the fretboard.

The diagram below shows 2 examples of the A minor 11 chord plus the generic minor 11 shapes.

The indigo note is the root note of the chord, for example:

– if you wish to play the G minor 11 chord then the indigo root note will be the note of G,

– if you wish to play the E minor 11 chord then the indigo root note will be the note of E, and so on.

Keyboard Diagrams